Monday, September 13, 2010


Its your worst nightmare: after 7 days of total frustration and challenges, a lack of sleep powerless to change some situations and today I have this meeting with my mentor. Don't you just hate it when they ask the very questions you don't want them to ask. Its like they have this kinda sonar device, ... I wonder did my demeanor my body language and my face say it all? Forty questions later we've probed, dragged through the feelings, emotions and frustrations. We talk about around all 6 events until clarification and some common sense prevails. In leadership it helps to have someone giving you perspective.

“Whack” … I’m floored by the extent and barrage of the challenge:

"Your angry" .....
"Your frustrated" .....
"Your minds thinking about what’s not a proven fact" Well YES and why do I come here and put up with this !!!!

So I meet regularly with a very skillful support person (a mentor). Its good to have that, it’s good to reflect on your actions your thoughts, emotions, responses. I come face to face with the relationships broken, or intact and the need of restoration because it's necessary to move forward.

Sometime an advocate can help. A wise word from someone who’s been around the traps awhile; If your young, gather wise council around you it is a good thing, if your old still gather wise council around you, and remember nothing is ever that bad. Gods purpose is restoration, renewal and a divine destiny for us all. Never hold anything against anyone else and be at peace with all men. SO Put it right if you can, this will bring back the peace and poise , to avoid it will only holds up Gods best for you.

I sleep with my best friend and mentor: Sharon is an amazing lady. She has perspective, she's hugely supportive and the 6 events that triggered some righteous indignation and some not so righteous indignation meant we walked this together. I thank God for an amazing partner and wife in ministry. She has poise and perspective, she's my go to person, the mentor I sleep with every night.

Some of you may have huge questions as you enter partnership or singleness in ministry: What will happen? How will I/we cope? Have I/we got what it takes? Do I/we have the emotional and mental dexterity to pursue Gods destiny for me/us?

Yes you do because otherwise you wouldn't be called.
• Yes you do because God provides people around you open your eyes and see.
• Yes you do. Maintain authentic relationships and be friends with all who will be friends with you.

YES YOU DO BECAUSE YOUR NAME WAS AT THE TOP OF GODS LIST FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT .... so yes you can walk through the nightmares that will come .
Beloved, be encouraged.

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