Friday, September 24, 2010

THE PRAYER "Send fourth your spirit" ; Another angel enters heaven.

Another Angel enters heaven:

Her breathing is laboured. The spaces between are long and arduous. There’s a peace beyond understanding around the bedside. The family gather knowing her faith was strong, her spirit like a buttress challenging immortality, because she can, she knows her Saviour is more than able.  This Soldier of Christ sweeps through into eternity, not a whisper not a sigh just knowing she has gone to be with her Lord. Another angel enters heaven. 

 I quietly slip out: Its been a long night, and so I take a moment in the chapel thanking God for the privilege of sharing these special moments with this family. I pray for them my arms stretched out leaning on the face of the alter. With a thankful heart, knowing all is well, another angel enters heaven. I glance down to find the most awesome prayer. Its authentic, its real, its raw and its from the heart and pen of “Edward Haye.”

THE PRAYER "Send fourth your spirit"

My heart is cold today O God,
I feel no burning desire,
no zeal to pray or be with you.
My heart is frozen by the chill of emptiness,
sluggish and stalled.

Send fourth your Spirit,
to revive my heart.
Spark it with relish for service,
with a longing to pray.
 And may my desire,
to be your flame of warmth and love spark other stalled souls,
to come alive, aflame in you.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

All wrapped up in my own little world then POW!!!! Your scare me sh*^%$#less he said.

I apologise for the cheap slang, but then again maybe I shouldn’t : It was frankly refreshing some honest feed back.

Us Christians get so caught up in our own little world. I remember at training college our training Officer now Retired LT Colonel Peter Savage (best training Officer ever) pounded into our thick little heads, “cut the religious jargon say it so the average man in the street knows what your message is”.

Well I’ve become so aware of how I haven’t yet learnt the lesson.  I’m chatting to a good friend, an Ex-Sallie who was an influential leader in his own right, worked closely with me, he turns up in 2009 at my Corps makes a decision at the mercy seat and promptly leaves without a bye or leave.

Yay for FB: Next thing we connect on face book. I put up some status that is so religious with the word UNCTION in it. So I get this message from my friend. Quote excuse the language but in this context it’s right “Sheee Craig when you said that word you scared me shitless”.    I deserved it. Sometimes our jargon only alienates and divides. In our enthusiasm, instead of Building bridges we tear them down, even burn some bridges to people at times, even our own.

So we got talking:  “It’s like a language within a language” he said.  So I asked him how can I do this better. What he said next captured my imagination and my heart for people.

“You know Craig I’ve been away from Church for 10 years and no one has attempted to contact me”. I said “that’s really sad”.  He said, “Less churchy-ness and more caring would go along way, just take the time to care.”

He went on and pointed out ..  “A good salesman will visit lapsed clients in order to build a bridge to them, yet in the Church we fail to do that”.  Then I remembered Peter Savage drilling us with Order &Regulations for Officers it went something like this;  “On arrival at your appointment an Officer will make every effort to contact lapsed Salvationist seeking to build bridges and engage them in the war” words to that effect.

Thank you my friend, for helping me to understand again that building bridges to those we have hurt, or to those who have hurt us, is the Spirit of true Salvationism.

I’m sorry I scarred you Sh*^%$less I’ll do better next time.

Friday, September 17, 2010

I walked up to the front door .. bright tulips greeted me and I’m just privileged.

Today I meet a wonderful lady: It’s a privilege to serve the King of Kings, it’s a Joy to be a part of His amazing purposes in the world. Its not the big things that count it’s the little things that count at least that’s what I was reminded of today.

She’s very unwell, she counts the days until “This temple retires from active service .. but the Spirit goes on” . What a Spirit; it so epitomises the tulips at the front door. Lying dormant over the winter and at the command of nature they appear, bright colours standing tall challenging the winter that has been and gone. 

It’s the wee things, its relationships and the little kindnesses that count: “I didn’t think I’d see the tulips this year, but praise God they have come”.  she said. When someone who has run the course and proved faithful in the race speaks, you stop and take notice.  “It’s the wee things that count the relationships, the people who care enough to send a wee message, a card the kind thoughts, these blessings are all around I’ve learnt to appreciate them all. When you don't know whether you will be here tomorrow its funny how it’s these little things that become so important. The birds feeding, the garden, friends, family and my tulips at the front door; did you see them" she said. "Yes I did they're bueatiful".

Sharon and I are just privileged: Such a strong Spirit, no malice only love, thankfulness, kindness, such steadfast faith that even in the last moments of life she wants to be a blessing and she is.  WOW we’re just privileged. That got me thinking how often am I caught up in the whirly burly of the urgent, the issues, the protest, the next project and fail to see the blessings all around. If this was my last day on earth how would I live it? God give me that spirit that is like you in everyway, seeking to challenge the wintery blasts of un-christlikeness.

Tulips I should grow some next year.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Its your worst nightmare: after 7 days of total frustration and challenges, a lack of sleep powerless to change some situations and today I have this meeting with my mentor. Don't you just hate it when they ask the very questions you don't want them to ask. Its like they have this kinda sonar device, ... I wonder did my demeanor my body language and my face say it all? Forty questions later we've probed, dragged through the feelings, emotions and frustrations. We talk about around all 6 events until clarification and some common sense prevails. In leadership it helps to have someone giving you perspective.

“Whack” … I’m floored by the extent and barrage of the challenge:

"Your angry" .....
"Your frustrated" .....
"Your minds thinking about what’s not a proven fact" Well YES and why do I come here and put up with this !!!!

So I meet regularly with a very skillful support person (a mentor). Its good to have that, it’s good to reflect on your actions your thoughts, emotions, responses. I come face to face with the relationships broken, or intact and the need of restoration because it's necessary to move forward.

Sometime an advocate can help. A wise word from someone who’s been around the traps awhile; If your young, gather wise council around you it is a good thing, if your old still gather wise council around you, and remember nothing is ever that bad. Gods purpose is restoration, renewal and a divine destiny for us all. Never hold anything against anyone else and be at peace with all men. SO Put it right if you can, this will bring back the peace and poise , to avoid it will only holds up Gods best for you.

I sleep with my best friend and mentor: Sharon is an amazing lady. She has perspective, she's hugely supportive and the 6 events that triggered some righteous indignation and some not so righteous indignation meant we walked this together. I thank God for an amazing partner and wife in ministry. She has poise and perspective, she's my go to person, the mentor I sleep with every night.

Some of you may have huge questions as you enter partnership or singleness in ministry: What will happen? How will I/we cope? Have I/we got what it takes? Do I/we have the emotional and mental dexterity to pursue Gods destiny for me/us?

Yes you do because otherwise you wouldn't be called.
• Yes you do because God provides people around you open your eyes and see.
• Yes you do. Maintain authentic relationships and be friends with all who will be friends with you.

YES YOU DO BECAUSE YOUR NAME WAS AT THE TOP OF GODS LIST FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT .... so yes you can walk through the nightmares that will come .
Beloved, be encouraged.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Knights in white satin ... White satin to Cyber space!

Moody Blues: I'm definitely showing my age now. Along with Eagles and other bands this was one of my favourite bands. Their Genre was rock mixed with orchestrations and some odd instrumentation that made their music different an interesting. Their Lyrics were deep, meaningful and cleverly grafted. Loving words, as I do, I would hang on every word. One of the songs went like this.

Knights in white satin,
never reaching there end
letters I've written never meaning to send ....

When I think about all the letters, or e-mails or blogs I've written, that never reached their end,  because I procrastinated or I thought better of it. Words can be incredibly powerful, moving, motivating or can comatose you, like a bad sermon that never ends, both for the congregation and the person delivering it.

Today I wrote a letter: Nothing new in that, I write many letters, I do a lot of writing full stop, excuse the pun. Anyway, the particular letter I had to write, I had no choice about. Added to this is it was one of the most important letters I have had to write of recent days. Many things go through your mind, not least how will it be received? Have I made myself clear enough? Will I be misunderstood? Will it encourage and bring about a satisfactory result?

Letters I've written never meaning to send. Sometimes we write letters but we never really intend to send them we don’t push the send button. It just helps us to write it; well I find that anyway. This letter I’ve written not only do I have no choice about writing the letter, I have to send it too, in the hope it will be received in the right spirit. I like the idea of "Knights in white Satin". A knight in the context of the song by "Moody Blues" is someone who will bring about a pleasing end, a type of rescuer, someone who would bring hope or justice perhaps. A knight was a protector or an emissary.

Letters that should be sent: How many times have I decided to write but procrastinated or got way laid by the tyranny of the urgent. The Knights in white satin, or should I say cyber satin that I should have sent but didn't ? Maybe I feared the consequences. But just maybe those knights may have brought some hope, brought about justice, rescued a friend from a wrong decision. The letter I should have sent may have protected a friend or may have been an emissary who advocated in bringing reconciliation to family or friends. Some letters, yes should not be sent, and we all have pushed the send button only to regret the decision. I suggest there are many letters we should have and didn't.

So fellow "Knights in white satin" send that note, that e-mail, that blog into cyber space and trust God to use your creative skills to bring hope, justice reconciliation and encouragement.

Letters I’ve written Craig!

Monday, September 6, 2010

JUST TOOOOO Cool a quote:

I have found a peace that plows on through the storm
I have found a joy that jumps over sadness
I have found a love that lights up every room
I have found, I found You.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Beach the Beach the beach .. For those who love the beach !!

It’s been almost four months since I walked on this beach. It was one of those magic Wellington days, so we went to Lyall Bay. Panda was excited. Anticipation was all over him the idea of meeting other dogs he’d missed over the four months of winter, well thats what I think at least. Like us Panda likes the beach. The surf was up and as seals, wet suited surfers skilfully weaved along the face of the wave until in a mass of white froth what was a perfectly shaped wave descended into a caldron of foam dissipating to a white ribbon stretching along the shoreline.

It was almost four Months: It was on this very beach that my life took a twist, like a tsunami I was never to know how ferocious it was to be. That’s when God spoke to me. Like a surfer it required me to read the waves, the storm, and navigate skilfully through to the other side. Sometimes I was buried, sometimes I rode the wave like a pro feeling a higher power a higher law carrying me. Troubles come and with Gods help and grace you will make it through, as you draw on God. Don’t get me wrong its not as if there wer'nt some huge hard times along the way, when you fall off the face of yet another wave and get slammed it still hurts like hell, and they still come out of the blue every now then although less frequent now.  I’m not sure whether I’ve learnt to ride the waves better; I hope I have, or whether they have become less powerful. I know God becomes greater in our lives at these times. Is it that God has increased?

So I’m walking along the beach: I walked this way four months ago under very different circumstances I remember it as if it was yesterday. The first thing I notice is that the beach is the same beach but different. That probably doesn’t make sense to you, but I have changed in the last four months. God has done a huge work, I have discovered I’m flawed, forgiven and empowered. I’m a bit of a sailor not a surfer, I do know that the power of the sea is an awesome thing. As we walk along the beach I see it’s the same accept its been swept clean over the winter period. The same stuff is there accept it’s moved around, that’s the power of the sea.

God speaks to me again: He says “Craig I allow these waves to move some stuff around in your life, I've swept some places clean too"; causing me to value what’s valuable not what’s not. To appreciate what I have and not what I don’t or can’t have, to be thankful regardless of how well I navigate the waves. In fact Gods less worried about my prowess and more about me pressing into Him. God was about moving some stuff around, sweeping clean some stuff in my life and He needed some pretty big waves to do it. I guess those involved in my story are still part of my story, well I hope so anyway. The beach is still the beach; the same beach in fact, what’s changed is where everything is. Relationships have changed, I have changed, life has changed but the beach is still the beach. I love the beach I’m just not sure about surfing.

Press in regardless beloved.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hows the set of your sail?

Without wind, a sailboat cannot fulfill its purpose. It can only drift aimlessly with the currents and in all likelihood will end up broken on a rock. Without the active leading of the Holy Spirit, a human being cannot fulfill her purpose. She can only drift aimlessly with the currents and in all likehood will end up broken on a rock.

That's why we were given two very important, but frequently ignored, commandments in the New Testament: "Grieve not the Spirit," and "Quench not the Spirit." It's amazing. A sailor cannot quench the wind or grieve the wind. (But why would he want to?) However, we can quench and/or grieve the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is a Person, the third person in the Godhead.

He longs to fill our sails with His Presence and His power. He wants to lead us and direct us daily. But we can push Him away -- quench the voice of His leading. We can also make Him sad -- bring grief to His heart.

Apostle Paul told us not to do either of those things. Don't quench the Spirit and don't grieve Him.

Just like turning down an ipod, or deleting a message on facebook, or ignoring a friend, we can quench our contact with the Spirit. And that always makes the lover of our soul very sad.

Just for today, why not say: "Holy Spirit speak to me and I will listen and obey You today, even if my obedience to You hurts my pride, or makes me uncomfortable, or causes people to mock me, or gets me in trouble. I'm so sorry that I have turned down Your voice and made You sad. Help me this day, to do what you say and live in Your way, not mine!"

By Steve Simms

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Reconciling – A Mission

Its 3.25am in the morning , my friend a long black sweet coffee makes its presence felt. Always a friend at this time of the morning although a less frequent friend, I’m moving to tea-black weak no sugar, all part of my health regime.

3.25am its quiet I’m left with just my thoughts, my reflections, my longings. It’s also my most productive and creative time. So I thought I’d add another blog. Should I start with that well warn phrase Dear Blog site .. mmm it works for me. So in the quietness I reflect on 6 months of upheaval and personal growth.

This is suppose to be an encouraging blog, it will be but first I must fess up to being the biggest Pratt out, or as someone put it dweeb. I wish I could fix all the damage along the way but even though I would like to some things just take time. God has taught me patience and still is, we know how difficult that can be. Reconciling can be a mission yet that is all I want. For God to complete the work he is doing in me this will be necessary. That’s a little frustrating since there can be other people in involved in the process. I have learnt our effectiveness in MISSION has a direct correlation on our ability to succeed in this mission first that being Reconciliation. So Reconciliation is indeed “A Mission”. Just as the cross points skywards to God, so it stretches East to West, South to North. That’s our world our neighbour. Reconciliation is the heart beat of God and at the centre of his mission. So it must be our mission.

A Mission the best remedy for boredom and restoring fellowship/friendship:
Sharon and I have the privilege of being the National Youth Band Executives so three times a year we get to GO OUT and do mission in a different location, that has it's unique challenges. We are also the Commanding Officers of Wellington City Corps. We get the privilege of going on Mission to another location with the Wellington Citadel Band. Now there are of course heaps of other opportunities. I’m stoked because over the recent NYB mission to Tauranga and the Mission to Nelson with Wellington Citadel band we’ve seen God use us and others to impact the lives of so many people. Rejoice with us!!

OK now I get excited like REALLY excited .. ALLELUIA SEND THE GLORY !!!!! 

Something else happens on mission. Friendships are forged the fellowship of believers is strengthened and reconciliation happens. These are all important by-products of mission. Reconciling – A Mission really happens on all levels in the group or with individuals far from God!!

HOT TIPS FOR CADETS and Corps leaders:
When Sharon and I started ministry together, every now and then a Corps would get grumpy, difficult, and relationships were strained. We would instantly plan outreaches, open-airs anything to get the people out and about doing mission. BECAUSE when left in our holy huddles; and as an Officer I can be just as difficult; under the façade of fellowship the Corps had become a caldron of discontent and could be described as no more than glorified bitch sessions (excuse the coarse language I think its perfect in this context.)

When Gods people go on a MISSION, as we are designed to do, and more so being an Army on the march, then true reconciliation and fellowship happens. I reckon that’s why Jesus sent his disciples out two by two. The bible says they came back rejoicing. Their hearts were fall.
Reconciliation is the heart beat of God. So pursue it. Sure, the relationships may change but in the context of Jesus Christ, they become healthy God honouring and authentic.