Her breathing is laboured. The spaces between are long and arduous. There’s a peace beyond understanding around the bedside. The family gather knowing her faith was strong, her spirit like a buttress challenging immortality, because she can, she knows her Saviour is more than able. This Soldier of Christ sweeps through into eternity, not a whisper not a sigh just knowing she has gone to be with her Lord. Another angel enters heaven.
I quietly slip out: Its been a long night, and so I take a moment in the chapel thanking God for the privilege of sharing these special moments with this family. I pray for them my arms stretched out leaning on the face of the alter. With a thankful heart, knowing all is well, another angel enters heaven. I glance down to find the most awesome prayer. Its authentic, its real, its raw and its from the heart and pen of “Edward Haye.”
THE PRAYER "Send fourth your spirit"
My heart is cold today O God,
I feel no burning desire,
no zeal to pray or be with you.
My heart is frozen by the chill of emptiness,
sluggish and stalled.
Send fourth your Spirit,
to revive my heart.
Spark it with relish for service,
with a longing to pray.
And may my desire,
to be your flame of warmth and love spark other stalled souls,
to come alive, aflame in you.