Monday, August 30, 2010


Sheeeee have I been bemused by what seems to be the proliferation of cynicism, and put downs. Blogs that indulge in theological point scoring to the enth degree. Don’t get me wrong robust constructive debate is healthy I just can’t help wondering if the purpose is to parade intellectual prowess, a little like a roster overdosing on hormones and testosterone while displaying its feathers in order to get attention.

I for one like to see courage in the face of opposition, the challenging the norm, not to get attention but rather out of a genuine concern, and a putting into action ones confession. Even if on occasion I fail to follow these convictions, the fact that I do some of the time has to be better than just talking or arguing; its to be applauded.

A wise person once said .. “I’d rather have someone who makes 100 hundred courageous decisions even though they may make mistakes than someone who only makes 1 or 2 courageous decisions and gets it right all the time”

It takes courage to stand against the flow. If that’s you, good on you.

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear".

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