Saturday, August 14, 2010

The recycling was strewn everywhere !!

I put the recycling out the other night. That evening a Wellington southerly buffeted the house. I’m lying in bed and hear cans and bottles clanging down the cul-de-sac. I’m left with know alternative, I get out of bed sheepishly go out into the teeth of a howling southerly in dressing gown and slippers, what a sight.

So I’m picking up bottles and cans and God reminds me, there are times when we are called to trudge through what our lives have become to pick through the rubbish. We place it at the cross and like a huge recycling truck God picks it all up does his absolutely awesome restorative work and makes something useful or beautiful out of all the crap. The storm messed up what was good. Gods amazing promise is, if we are willing to do the painful process of searching our hearts in the full light of Gods Spirit, picking through the strewn rubbish He will make something amazing out of it all. Amazing, uncomfortable and necessary.

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ; After you’ve faced the painful experiences He will perfect you, (Make you complete), establish, and strengthen you.


NOW that’s the sort of recycling you can depend on. So be encouraged beloved out of the rubbish something good always comes your way. TRUST!!

1 comment:

  1. Thats our God - the King of recycling! And he doesnt waste a scrap! Great blog Craig. Keep it up!
