Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Your season is for a reason.

But the LORD watches over those who are passionate about Him,
those who rely on His unfailing love.
He will come to your aide rescuing you from places that cause lifelessness.
In the dry and parched places, he will sustain you.
So place your hope in the LORD.
He is your help and he is like a shield, guarding the well Spring of your heart.
So I will rejoice and trust in His name.
Let His unfailing love surround your beloved, my hope is in You alone.

The purpose of this blog is to be an encouragement to other travelers on the way. I am trusting that God will use these few words to encourage and it will be timely reminder for those who are struggling, feel alone, curled up in a dark corner crying out to God wondering if he hears. He does.

Spring is coming winter will soon pass. Even now, the buds are beginning to ripen and I find my mind thinking of the “Seasons of the Soul”. Just as God planned, the seasons so he allows seasons in our own life, and they directly correspond to the natural seasons. They re-occur repeatedly for producing life. Your season is for a reason.
Me, well it’s been the most difficult season of my life. It was the perfect storm; sent to destroy everything I ever held dear. I blame know one but myself. I have made it through with the help of friends, family and heaps of prayer. This Psalm I paraphrased amongst others. “I made it through the rain” a favorite line from a great song. Winters going springs on its way. Think in seasons, and trust that God will restore all that has been lost.

I wonder do I need a Blog name???? any suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Craig! I look forward to reading the regular blogs!
    Blessings to you and Sharon - hope to see you in the sunny south sometime
