Monday, December 13, 2010

Real Love is letting Go !

Gods Warriors
Another Commissioning weekend, or for those who do not know Salvation Army Culture  the Ordination of Salvation Army Officers. It is definitely a celebration, with a degree of solemnity & dignity.

The amazing thing is seeing ordinary people arrive at BCM, (Booth College of Mission) some I know well they are good friends and some who are relations. A transformation takes place as God moulds these ordinary people, calls them to the college, an artificial environment where a carefully thought out strategy in the hands of the holy Spirit turns ordinary people into warriors for God,  while not taking away from the roar material that is them. God knew from the beginning of time, what His plans were. It is something to give thanks to God for and this formation of “Warriors of Christ” will continue long after they leave.
I am left with both a sense of awe and loss as I see the process repeated year after year.  For others it is the same; maybe not so much a sense of loss as the turning of another chapter. These are defining moments and I recall my own training, the sense in which you are moving from one chapter of your life to another. The awkward feelings of sadness and joy as relationships, friendships and alliances change. This is normal. Some of these will become stronger some will dissipate. This too is natural, a part of the cycle of life.

In talking with families this is sometimes a difficult time for them. Some think their charges are making a huge mistake. In reality it is a little like when your children leave home and begin on this exciting new adventure of life. You’ve prepared them for this but you haven’t prepared yourself, and when it happens it takes you by surprise.

Real love is letting go. It’s celebrating and being there in the milestones and the catastrophes along the way, and they will come as each person fulfils Gods amazing plan for their lives.

Formation will happen and if you stay around long enough you will see how God takes this roar material and turns it into something beautiful. Like a good Novel, watch and pray; enjoy the unfolding story as each chapter has its unique part in the whole.

1 comment:

  1. How inspiring it is to follow the journey's on FB of friends in college..wat courageous adventurers they are following Gods calling on their life..but also undertaking study, assignments, placements, kids etc too!!! Amazing and inspirational to say the least..God is awesome alright..And for us as an Army I just think WOW!!! we are going to get stronger and reach more people...and I can't wait to hear their messages also..thank you for your bravery and selflessness :)
