He who as ears listen!!
It’s a beautiful day. I’m sitting on the deck and a Tui is singing a delightful tune in the tree next door. It seems everything is in the full splendour of early summer.
I received some news today that makes you take stock. No one knows another person fully or deeply. In the recesses of the mind we all face our turmoil and demons, we are but clay vessels declares Paul marred, yet still God uses us regardless of ourselves. This shows his all-surpassing Glory. We should never forget that, nor should we judge another. God uses us despite ourselves that is what is so amazing about Grace.
27 years of ministry isn’t bad, most of the time it’s been fun, an adventure, there’s lots of hard work, often on your knees bringing situations and people before God. I consider myself reasonably spiritual, most day’s anyway. I fail to maintain a balanced life some of the time because I have always been hard working and suffer from a driven personality. I love my call, but I do not like some of the circumstances and situations it places me in despite all of this, I am completely committed to the cause of Jesus Christ.
The other day I hit a brick wall. It was so random so unexpected I could not explain it. There have been other such occasions. It is just too simplistic to say it is because one has not looked after oneself, or the stresses of ministry. These are all contributing factors however the sate of the Spirit and mind is a very complex thing. The interrelation between external forces, internal forces and our very make up make it impossible to gauge our limits or the health of our Spirits although I have found my ability to do so has improved with time. But just sometimes wham, we still get caught out.
Then there is the demand of our call. This never lets up and there are simply times you have to say that is enough for now, and walk away. The truth is you may never be able to explain yourself to others, they will judge anyway.
Early on, we have learnt to say; Today I need space, I need time with my family, friends and God. I need to be honest with someone about how I am really feeling. Supervision is of great benefit but a friend a spouse will want to be a listening ear. You are what matters on these occasions and you will know when they are.
If you are a friend and you hear an honest plea never ignore it people are important not program. Regardless of the personal cost, your personal concern you should respond. The reward will be great as you help a friend. It maybe just a listening ear a kindly word and most of all do not judge, preach, or be like one of Job’s comforters. Just be there. Someone rightly pointed out that to put your own health at risk for another may not always be the best thing to do. I agree and I don’t each situation must be considered on its own taking into account your own needs. Self-care is important and we ignore it at our peril. Just sometimes, it is not enough and that is when honest dialogue with family and friends is important. They will stand in the gap for you, a listening ear, offer prayer and will show practical acts of love that should leave you in no doubt that they care.
A true story: I have a good friend who was involved in ministry for 15 years. I thought I knew him well. We shared closely and encouraged one-another. One Sunday morning he turned up at my meeting. He did not come to the start and didn’t stay to the end. He just came to hear Gods word. He knelt at the mercy seat and left. We were slack, we did not get his details, but I knew he was my friend my buddy my ministry partner. We said we would be there for each other and I took that seriously. I have always been loyal to friends. I had moved away and had heard he become disenchanted with the ministry and with Christians in general. When he turned up that morning I knew, this was a God moment. I did not get to pray with him, I was gutted. I was too slow off the mark, too busy leading my prayer meeting, too busy to kneel and pray with my friend or afraid maybe.
Just show you care: I contacted him soon after and I will never forget his words.
“Forget the preaching.”
“Forget all the good works.”
“Forget all the learning and building a Church, all I wanted was for someone to come and talk to me. Know one turned up know one contacted us.
Just Care Craig that’s all people are wanting, just show you care and show up.”
That is my blog, it seems wordy and inadequate but please do not give me platitudes and the normal spin just show you care. On that note, I challenge my own efforts in this regard.
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