Jesus for real
I think they call this an epiphany, a moment of enlightenment whether new or the magnification of an old truth its an ahhhh moment and you become aware. Two builders walked passed at the time which only served to underline the prophetic nature of this moment in time; that is that Jesus meets people on the highways, the lanes, the corner markets, or just generally amongst the clamber of every day life.
My attention was drawn to one of those coffee table books it was entitled “Journeys with the Messiah”. It’s an exquisite book and will be an alluring pick up and read book that will lead to some long conversations for the future. What is so cool is this guy had an epiphany one day, to find someone to fit the profile of what Jesus may have looked like, and then to go to Israel walk the same dusty lanes and take photo’s of Jesus talking with normal people from all walks of life, and from different periods of history. My favourite of all is Jesus walking with a Nazi Soldier carrying his rifle and back pack deep in conversation. How many Soldiers in the heat of battle find themselves talking to Jesus even if it is just a cry for help? The other is that of a refugee family walking along a road and there is Jesus carrying all their bags, giving them a break from the long arduous journey. Just talking about life.
The photos are profound, prophetic, but most of all left me thinking, maybe Jesus is not found in cold stone cathedrals or pristine Citadels but on the road with people just talking, just helping, not leading them nowhere but somewhere, to His pretty amazing kingdom. Here’s some photo’s to inspire you I hope you enjoy them.
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