Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Forgiveness" A great story found on Face Book .. LOVE IT.

A Story Of Forgiveness   Read: Philemon 4-21

This is a wonderful story of God’s forgiveness and restoration and the need to forgive others that have done us wrong. We all have times in our lives where we need to forgive and be forgiven. As long as we live in our human flesh, we will be hurt and hurt others. Sometimes we may not realize we have hurt someone else.

I believe that forgiveness is the key to healing. It is the start point in the healing process. You can never know true inner peace until you have forgiven. I know it’s not easy. We may feel completely justified in holding onto un-forgiveness. But the problem with that is bitterness gets in and takes root. We continually think about it, reliving it over and over. It needn’t be that way. It’s only destroying us – taking away our joy and peace in life.

Philemon needed to forgive Onesimus for stealing from him. Whether it is a friend stealing from you, or someone who has done something offensive to you, forgive and restore the relationship. Paul mentions in verses 15-16, to receive him back, not as a slave, but as a brother, he restores the fellowship.

We should too. We need to choose to forgive. Place it at the foot of the cross and leave it there. Then you will know God’s peace and love filling you. You will sense a heavy burden lifted from you, because un-forgiveness is a heavy load to bear.

If you feel you have any un-forgiveness or resentment in your heart, will you give it up to the Lord today? He loves you and truly understands what you have been through. The start point to truly being free is to forgive.

Give someone another chance Jesus gave us so many.

Love this story :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It’s been a while since I blogged .. An interesting couple of days.

Funny how when you think you’re getting on top of everything something disturbs your equilibrium, your plans.

Funny how when you see a miracle unfolding, the enemy comes to steal it away.

It’s actually not that funny. It’s disappointing, frustrating and hurtful.  Misunderstandings can follow or worse still blame shifting occurs. You wonder why your best attempts at communicating your true motives are never understood. Words fail you, and any attempt to correct things only makes it worse.

I am reminded that we “Fight not against flesh and blood, but spiritual forces in high places”
I am reminded that our enemy the Devil has one purpose “To steal and to Rob” the blessings of God on our life, his purpose is to destroy anything of Kingdom value.

We say we should live counter culturally. We say we want to live by kingdom values yet in our relationships we choose to live by the standards of a popular pseudo secular wisdom that has only a smattering of the Kingdom of God and is more aligned to secular thinking than transformational living.

What would happen if we truly lived out our relationships through Kingdom eyes, if true forgiveness was a reality, and true restoration was given half a chance? How transformational would that be?

Fare Trade coffee, the responsible purchase of fair trade goods is all well and good and is to be applauded.  To live counter culturally, to live by the values that Jesus taught is most  attractive, immensely refreshing and is at times seen as a little weird by society in general but is hugely transformational.

For those seeking another way; “Seek first the kingdom of God